Did You Know? – Business Alerts
This allows the system to create/send emails to nominated user(s) when a system event occurs, or a
record is added / amended / deleted. The Alerts option also allows for the addition of a note against an application
where events needs to be discreetly logged without the need for email confirmation. The rules for Alerts are
definable and apply to all Datafile database tables.
Examples Include:
- Send Email to Buyer when Stock item goes out of stock.
- Log to Stock record when a Cost or Sale Price Changes.
- Send mail to Credit Controller when Order goes on Hold.
- Send mail to Financial Controller when Supplier Bank details are amended.
- Send mail to Project Manager when a Job cost exceeds its Budget.
- Send mail to Financial Controller when a Nominal Account exceeds its Budget.
- Log to Customer Record when Customer Bank Details are amended.
- Log to Customer Record each time their Account is placed On Stop.