Author: datafile

Making Tax Digital 2019 – Datafile Compliance

Making Tax Digital is a key part of the government’s plans to make it easier for individuals and
businesses to get their tax right and keep on top of their affairs, meaning the end of the annual tax return for

Every individual and business now has access to their own personalised
digital tax account and these are being regularly expanded and improved. HMRC’s ambition is to become one of the
most digitally advanced tax administrations in the world,modernising the tax system to make it more effective, more
efficient and easier for customers to comply.

Businesses are now being mandated to use the Making Tax Digital for
Businesssystem from April 2019 to meet their VAT obligations. This will apply tobusinesses who have a turnover above
the VAT threshold – the smallestbusinesses will not be required to use the system, although they can opt in.From
April 2019 businesses above the VAT threshold will be mandated to keeptheir records digitally and provide quarterly
updates to HMRC for their VAT viathe HMRC’s API portal.

Datafile and VAT

The Datafile 2018 software, released in November 2017, includes changes to
support the submission of the VAT Form 100 through the Cashbook application to the current HMRC portal.

We are committed to helping our users to ensure that the transition to the
new digital tax system is a smooth one.

To help stay informed, you should continue to subscribe to our newsletter
and product update releases.

Please Note: MTD Compliance will only be available in the Datafile 2019 version.

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