
Utilise our popular "Did You Know?" articles with tips and tricks to help get the most out of your Datafile system.

Did you Know? – Weblinks in Ledger Enquiries

Jun 27, 2018
Web Links You can launch a website directly from Ledger Enquiries usingdata from your system. Some common uses for this include:Linking to a Credit Checking website such as Experian or Creditsaf

Data Visualisations in Action – B3 Cricket

Jun 08, 2018
B3 Cricket are one of the few cricket bat manufacturers who still own their own factory andmake their cricket bats in England. Their unique custom service and advanced technology means they can givee

Links to Carrier Systems Application

Jun 08, 2018
Delivery errors can sometimes be caused by incorrect information being entered onto aCarrier’s on-line system. With the new DPD Shipment and Consignment Tracking application, the details areoutput

Making Tax Digital 2019 – Datafile Compliance

Jun 08, 2018
Making Tax Digital is a key part of the government’s plans to make it easier for individuals andbusinesses to get their tax right and keep on top of their affairs, meaning the end of the annual tax

Did You Know? – Landing Page Explorer

Apr 11, 2018
On the Landing Page tabs, you can use the Explorer function to filter records on any databasefield. Date filters can be further applied at Year / Quarter / Month / Week / Day level.Example 1

Did you Know? – Nominal Ledger Landing Page

Mar 21, 2018
Get faster access to your Nominal Balances using the new functionality available on the LandingPages. Get faster access to your Nominal Balances using the new functionality available on the Landing P

Did you Know? – Landing Page Field Chooser

Mar 16, 2018
You can use the Field Chooser to customise your Landing Pages (subject to user permissions). Eachuser can personalise their Landing Page content to suit their own needs. Using the Mouse, right click

Spring 2017 Newsletter

May 08, 2017
Our latest newsletter is available from the download below. It includes Statutory informationregarding the Payroll along with details of some new modules. DownloadDirect_Newsletter_Spring_20

Did You Know? – Print Images on Order Processing Documents

Nov 21, 2016
Images linked to Stock records can be printed on any Order Processing Document such as Quotes, Order Confirmations, Delivery Notes and Invoices.

Did You Know? – Label Printing

Oct 17, 2016
Labels can be printed singly from the Ledger Enquiry or as a batch from within the ReportGenerator. A widely used example of this is to print Stock labels with the respective Bar Code

Did You Know? – Include Attachments when Emailing Documents

Sep 26, 2016
When sending Order Processing documents via email, additional standard documents can be automatically attached such as Terms and Conditions.

Did You Know? – Purchase Invoice Scanning and Retrieval

Aug 15, 2016
Purchase Invoices can be scanned in and linked to a transaction. This can be done at the point ofposting or later as a batch process. Once scanned, the “Document” feature is available against the
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